San Antonio Hot Springs Snowshoe Trek

We had a great time on our community snowshoe trek to San Antonio Hot Springs this weekend! With an early start on the trail we had the hot springs to ourselves for over an hour before anyone else showed up. The snow was glistening as we made our way into the valley, hearing only the crunch of the snow beneath our feet and the wind through the trees. The trail was well used and easy to follow, barring some post-holes created by folks hiking in without skis or snowshoes. As we crossed San Antonio Creek the snow was glittering under the climbing sun. 

The springs were a perfect 104° and after a quick lunch we jumped in for a relaxing soak. 

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The way out was a bit more uphill and the warm sun softened the snow, causing it to stick to our poles and snowshoes, but the path had been tamped down by more visitors to the springs. 10 miles total, about 4.5 hours total hiking for a relatively quick group (~2.9mph down, ~2.4mph up). Here's the elevation profile from the trail head to the springs.

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When MST Adventures was founded, one thing was very clear - we want to be active in the community, not just with our guided trips and skills courses, but by offering free events for anyone who wants to join. Trail rides, snowshoe treks, and soon free photography seminars will start at community centers around Albuquerque. See what community events are coming up next!


Snowshoe Basics - the need to know before you go


Sandia Snowshoe Race 2017