Destination: Adirondacks Park
Winters in the North East are slightly different that what we get in the Southwest, the big difference is the bitter cold. With that said we still strapped some gear on and headed into the backcountry as frequently as possible.
Close to the top of Mt. Algonquin in the ‘Dacks. Bitter cold cuts deep, but the right gear keeps you moving.
The Adirondack Park in New York is 6 Million Acres in size and will accommodate every winter activity you can imagine. We would often travel there multiple times in a season for some of the best ice climbing around. Most of the locations that we chose to climb were just short hikes, while others were actual voyages that demanded additional gear like snowshoes or skis with climbing skins.
More often than not we would spend an entire day in the snow, hiking, climbing, and cooking. This was a proving ground for one's self and equipment. These adventures are where I formed my relationship of trust with my gear, which has ultimately lead to the type of gear that we rent at MST Adventures. We carry MSR Snowshoes, MSR stoves, Atlas Trekking Poles, and Snow Peak 4 season tents, all of which are for rent at affordable prices.
Your adventure starts with MST Adventures, Adventure rentals for the whole family.
In the video below three of us headed in a several miles for some great ice climbing routes after a day of 40 degree temperatures and blue skies. Overnight the temperature dropped and the wind picked up, but the ice was solid and the climbs were rewarding.
Avalanche Lake, on the trail to Adak Lojo